About the City Clerk

The City Clerk's Office is the Official Keeper of Records. In general, the Clerk's Office maintains official records such as City Council Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions. It is the function of the Clerk's office to attest to all laws enacted by the City Council. Also the retaining of historical records, contracts and agreements, bids, deeds, maps, and various licenses.

The City Clerk's Office coordinates requests for records in accordance with the Kansas Open Records Act and provides a city Open Records Request Form.

The City Clerk’s Office handles documents that relate to city policy and collaborates with the City Administrator in order to carry out the goals set by the City Council. The Baldwin City Clerk also serves as the Freedom of Information Officer.

Submit an Open Records Request online now or download a pdf form.

Other Records Custodians

  • City Treasurer - Maintains records regarding the City Budget and financial documents pertaining to the City.
  • Chief of Police - Keeps and maintains records regarding Police business. To make a records request from the Police Department, please submit this form or submit a paper form at the Baldwin City Law Enforcement Center or City Hall.
  • Fire Chief - Maintains records pertaining to fire department services, calls, and other Fire Department business.
  • City Attorney - Keeps records regarding legal matters of the City.

Clerk of the Municipal Court - Maintains documents, some of which are available under the Kansas Open Records Act.

Douglas County Quick Links

Amara Packard, City Clerk

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 785-594-6427

City Hall
View of Baldwin City Hall Building

803 8th Street

Baldwin City, KS 66006

PO Box 86


Hours: 8-5, M-F